Social Responsibility
HSE International’s Social Responsibility Analysis (SRA) combines social, economic, environmental, political and institutional analysis to improve the understanding of the linkages between development dynamics and the political and social structures that shape development outcomes.
HSE International uses SRA to assist organizations develop actionable locality strategies, ensuring that local communities benefit from social development opportunities, building stakeholders confidence, while also managing socio-economic risks and impacts.
We provide our clients a contextualized and integrated Social Responsibility approach.
Our consultants have extensive experience developing and implementing strategies, plans and programs for responsible social investment, local content, stakeholder engagement, human rights, inclusion and gender, indigenous peoples, and responsible security.
Stakeholder Engagement
HSE International works with companies to help them build effective methods to stakeholder engagement.
We help companies move from a compliance and reactive driven approach to more systematic and integrated engagement that drives sustainability forward.
Our stakeholder engagement services include:
- Developing stakeholder engagement strategy aligned with the project life cycle
- Stakeholder Identification and Analysis
- Stakeholder Engagement Plan
- Information Disclosure
- Stakeholder Consultation
- Negotiation and Partnerships
- Grievance Management
- Stakeholder Involvement in Project Monitoring
- Ongoing Reporting to Stakeholders
- Facilitation of Stakeholder Dialogues
- Capacity building for stakeholder engagement