Mining Experience

Representative projects:

→ Project Monitoring and Compliance Review of Mine, Bolivia

The assignment consists of monitoring the environmental and social performance of a Mine in Bolivia, which mines lead, zinc and silver in the Oruro department, as well as conducting a compliance review against covenant requirements in the loan agreement.

→ Sustainable Decommissioning of Oil Fields and Mines, Global

A project conducted to promote the state of the art procedures for the decommissioning of depleted mineral (mining, oil and gas) fields in developing economies. HSE International worked with a global team and provided the lead Environmental, Health and Safety Industry technical expertise for the project.

The project consists in the development of a toolkit designed to serve as guidance to government authorities, institutions and regulatory agencies, in resource rich countries, seeking to establish or improve closure and decommissioning programs for the extractives sectors. An issues paper outlining challenges and opportunities believed to be important to the process of decommissioning and closure was prepared and shared at a workshop held in Washington, DC. Subsequently, two workshops were held in London, UK, and Accra, Ghana respectively, to seek additional input and to outline the work and share outputs completed by the team.

The Toolkit was developed with input from a diverse group of stakeholders from private sector companies, industry organizations, non-governmental institutions, government authorities, experts and practitioners involved in different aspects of oil and gas and mining decommissioning and closure.

→ Strategic Safety Consulting Service, Global

HSE International provides strategic and subject matter expertise regarding safety consulting services to an international investment firm. The assignment includes discussing and describing the international competitive landscape and industry outlook.

→ Corporate Social Responsibility Study: Governance in the Supply Chain, Global

HSE International provides subject matter expertise to a global strategic consultancy consisting of benchmarking environmental, social, and governance (ESG) structures in supply chain management for the extractive sector. The scope includes how companies structure their ESG programs for success; ensure alignment and management support particularly outside of their ESG division, and how ESG success is measured.

→ Rapid Assessment of Environmental, Social, Political and Stakeholders

HSE International was appointed by an international Company to conduct a rapid assessment of environmental, social, political and stakeholders in the extractive sector (confidential).

→ Corporate Social Responsibility and Triple Bottom Line Reporting

HSE International was contracted by a global investor firm to provide guidance and expert analysis regarding the tools and standards used for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reporting. The scope also includes describing the trends, challenges and opportunities of CSR reporting globally.

→ Software for Managing Environmental, Health and Safety, Global

HSE International was appointed by an international investment firm to provide subject matter expertise in the use of software as it relates to managing environmental, health and safety in the extractive sector.

→ Best Practices for Emergency Response in the Extractive Sector, Africa

HSE International was appointed by a global company to provide a benchmark and subject matter expertise regarding good international industry practice in the definition of an emergency response plan for the extractive sector in the Africa region.

→ Environmental, Social, Health and Safety Consulting and Sustainability Services, Global

HSE International’s consultants have provided environmental social, health and safety consulting and sustainability services to companies, lending institutions and investors in the extractive sector:

• Operational risk, training and contract management best practices for environmental, health, and safety (EHS) management within the sector, Latin America and Africa
• Future trends for sustainability, potential growth drivers, and stakeholder’s perception in the metals and mining industry, Global
• Industrial safety companies providing outsourced safety solutions (staff, equipment, logistics), servicing extractive industry clients operating in dangerous environments
• Environmental, health & safety management software products, overview, market, competitive landscape, trends and growth drivers, Global
• Best practices for local community management at corporate / regional / business unit levels, Latin America
• Industrial security and safety services for large mining companies, including market, key costs, and typical industry benchmarks for performance, Global
• HSE and risk management, how these functions are implemented across the extractive industry, and trends, Americas
• Environmental service offers and market growth drivers in the extractive sector, Global